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How to Track Absences in Grades Tool
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Begin by clicking on "Grades" in the blue navbar, then click on "manage grades."




Then click on the blue "New" button and select "Item"




Scroll down and select "text" 




Give it the name "Absences," then click on "Save and Close." 




Click on the "Grades" tab again and scroll all the way over to the right. Click on the caret next to "Absences" and select "Enter Grades"




Enter the number of absences in the "Grade" box for each student. You can give students feedback by clicking on the pencil at the far right of the page.




Hit "Save and Close." You and your student can now see how many absences they have in the "Absences" grade column. 





Update the number of absences by going back to the caret next to "Absences" in the Grades tab and clicking on "enter grades."






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